Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis And Design For My Health Record †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Analysis And Design For My Health Record? Answer: Introducation In the present scenario the health care system is considered as one of the most complex system as the patients have to undergo multiple number of tests and meet with several physicians. The use of information technology management to develop a central information system can potentially enhance safety of the patient, patient satisfaction level and organizational effectiveness that are providing health care services to the patients. The patient record or the details of the patient story is important as this records contains considerable number of information obtained and made amid a particular patient gets treated by several different physicians and health care services (de Lusignan, et al., 2014). The proposed health record information system will help the patient and the physicians to review older observation of the patients health done by other doctors or physicians, to get vital health informations in medical emergency, to justify the medication provided to the patients. In case of the pen paper based, patient record system, it takes a certain number of human resources who will be responsible for maintaining and updating the information related to the patients which also leads to too much time consumption. Cost: One of the major issues that is impacting the expenditure of the health services is the cost to manually maintain the health records despite the fact that the proficiency gave by this sort of records is not accurate and time efficient. The time required to record, recover and modify the patient records can be vital in the event of any medical emergency (Friend, Jennings Levine, 2017). This manual health record keeping system is likewise in charge of repetitive therapeutic tests and reports of the patients which again expends part of time in the entire medicinal services. Enhanced Accessibility: in the present system, the access to the patients records are restricted in the premises of the health care facility that he/she visits often (Abbas Khan 2014). Thus in case any medical emergency of the patient when he/she is out of his city or locality then it would not be possible for the doctors at that location to access the medical history that may be important to save the patients life or to start the treatment avoiding the adverse situations that may occur due to the use of inappropriate medicines (against which the patient may have allergy). Loss of information in the total process: In the present system, the mentally ill person had to tell their story to the each medical expert they meet. In this process, one of the issues recognized in this process was that each time a youngster have to re-tell their 'story' it causes loss important health information as in this long process the youngsters gets calm up and consequently tells minimum detail to the experts who comes at the end of this process. Capabilities in the proposed health information system My Health Record Will provide improved co-ordination between different health service providers: Through this proposed patient information system health data of the patients can be uploaded and recovered from anyplace at any time utilizing internet that will help in providing faster treatment of the patients (Friend, Jennings Levine, 2017). This feature will help in the situation when a patient is effected by any severe illness while they are far from the home city and known specialists, the therapeutic specialist at the location can get to My Health Record to recover the patient previous health information keeping in mind the end goal to give faster and best in class medicinal services to help the patient recover faster from the illness. Improved QoS for the health services: As the proposed information system will include the patients in the whole system of health care service and require their active participation in the process thus it will help in improving the quality and timeliness of the services provided to them by the different health care (de Lusignan, et al., 2014). This system will help in to improve the productivity and efficiency of health care services and decrease the regulatory and work costs related with medicinal services conveyance and financing. Staffing deficiencies is developed due to the execution of same processes repeatedly which will be reduced by the use of My Health Record. Benefits of the proposed health information system (My Health Record) Increased convenience: After the development of the proposed online health record system the patients does not have to worry to remember and repeat their health and medication history such as details of chronic conditions, medicines prescribed to them previously, allergies against specific drugs, dates of recent tests, their results, with different or newer healthcare service providers (Abbas Khan 2014). Privacy of patients data: In case of proposed online health record system (My Health Record) it may collect personal information and other medical information from different government bodies and Medicare that includes name, date of birth, and recent medical records. This data will be accessible by different registered healthcare service providers like health care facilities and hospitals (Friend, Jennings Levine, 2017). This will enable those facilities in providing better services according to the previous medical data when providing healthcare to a specific patient. The individuals or the patients can set access controls/ levels to restrict which healthcare providers can access/ see their personal as well health information. Availability of data: Regardless of the possibility that the patients move or travel, the data can be stored safely on the internet platform, anyplace, whenever. If the patient require then they can restrict the access level for the different individuals in order to save the privacy of the data. Keeping in mind the end goal to securely share and access to the patients data in the health care services, it is basic to have the capacity to authenticate the users, including the facilities and physicians (Abbas Khan 2014). In the My Health Record framework, this is accomplished using computerized central information that will meet the Australian Government embraced Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) standard. Streamlined process: Use of the online patient health record system will help in automating the different health care services provided to the patients. In addition to that, this will also help in streamlining the procedures that will result in reduction in the expenditure and improve the related revenue (de Lusignan, et al., 2014). The revenue will be enhanced through the integrations of the different processes in the health care facilities and avoiding adverse medical situations. Timely and cost effective health care services: The use of the proposed online health record system will help in saving precious time and health care related expenditure (Friend, Jennings Levine, 2017). For instance, the ability of this system to show past test results of the patients can altogether decrease the number of tests requested in a medical emergency, sparing the expenditure, as well as keeping the patient from experiencing excessive medical tests. As described before, data on understanding sensitivities or allergies against different medicines, in mix with alarms and updates, can diminish the number of pharmaceutical related unfavourable and adverse events and enhance the recommending practices of doctors and medical specialists (Abbas Khan 2014). In addition to that, different medical issues for example, abnormal test outcomes for a specific patient, can be treated and manage in more timey basis if the doctor at the health care facility has the data at the time of emergency. References Abbas, A., Khan, S. U. (2014). 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